Connacht Physio Clinic
Established in 2012, Connacht Physio Clinic provides the highest level of physiotherapy to patients of all ages and all abilities.
Our goals:
– To put you at the centre of your treatment journey. This includes helping you learn more about how you can help yourself
– To give you evidence based treatments to help you achieve your goals. We strive to use the latest research to guide our decision making based on your problem
– To ensure when you finish your treatment course, you are stronger and more confident than when you started!
Latest News…
IT band pain
Today we discuss one cause of lateral knee pain that is common in runners: Ilio-tibial Band friction syndrome (ITBFS) What is the ITB? The ITB is a thick band of tissue overlying the muscles on the outside of the thigh. It stretches from the outside of the hip to just...
Monday-Friday: 8am - 9pm
Castlegar GAA Club, Doughiska Road, Roscam, Galway

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